The Pretty Peaches Trilogy (1978, 1987, 1989)

Movie Title: The Pretty Peaches Trilogy
Country: USA
Year: 1978, 1987, 1989
Pretty Peaches I (1978)
After attending her father’s wedding, Peaches crashes her jeep in the forest only to wake up with complete amnesia. She is quickly rescued by two manipulative men who hope to sell her back to her family for a hefty ransom.
Pretty Peaches II (1987)
Young Peaches is curious about sex. Her boyfriend can’t teach her and her mother won’t so, on the advice of her father, she hits the road to visit crazy Uncle Howard and his most peculiar family.
Peaches III (1989)
Peaches is feeling that her life in trailer park is empty. On the advice of her lesbian doctor, she travels to San Francisco seeking enlightenment but soon finds herself engulfed in the bizarre world of a sex obsessed traveling Evangelist.

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